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Three Tips to Battle Loneliness and Social Isolation
A recent survey by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has found that although Canadians have adjusted to the new "normal" of our...
Re-entering the Real Estate Market
Guest contributor: Emmanuela Urbani, Licensed Mortgage Agent Perhaps you sold your house when you separated/divorced and entered the...
Preparing Your Home for Homesharing
There are so many benefits of homesharing, which is why it's becoming a popular living option for Canadians. Whether it’s companionship,...
Staying in the Housing Market Through Separation and Divorce
Guest contributor: Emmanuela Urbani, Licensed Mortgage Agent If you are going through a separation or divorce and would really like to...
Refinance Options When Homesharing
Guest contributor: Emmanuela Urbani, Licensed Mortgage Agent If you have been homesharing for some time and would like to refinance your...
Safeguarding While Homesharing
What is safeguarding? Essentially, it’s the practice of taking appropriate measures to protect yourself from harm or damage. We’ve...
The History of Homesharing
For as long as people have lived, they’ve shared homes. This dynamic has come in many forms, and eventually gave rise to homesharing as...
Friendship After Forty
If you’re forty or older and experiencing feelings of loneliness or discontent with your social life, you’re not alone. With the recent...
A Guide To Decluttering
Decluttering your life is a relatively simple act that comes with making it a great option for those looking to make positive changes in...
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